
Carbon dioxide definition
Carbon dioxide definition

carbon dioxide definition

Artificial Downwelling- accelerating the transport of carbon to the ocean depths by pumping surface waters downward.Artifical Upwelling - fertilizing selected areas of the ocean by pumping nutrient-rich waters from the depths to the surface.Ocean Fertilization- fertilizing selected areas of the ocean by spreading nutrients, such as iron, over the surface.Ocean Alkalinization - spreading alkaline materials, such as lime, over the ocean.Direct Air Capture - building machines that would suck carbon dioxide directly out of the atmosphere and bury it.Enhanced Mineralization - spreading crushed rocks over land to absorb carbon dioxide from the air or exposing them to carbon dioxide-rich fluids.

carbon dioxide definition

Fluctuations in CO2 levels are highly regulated and. CO2 plays various roles in the human body including regulation of blood pH, respiratory drive, and affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen (O2). CO2 is transported in the bloodstream to the lungs where it is ultimately removed from the body through exhalation.

  • Bioenergy with CCS or BECCS- capturing and sequestering carbon from biofuels and bioenergy plants In the human body, carbon dioxide is formed intracellularly as a byproduct of metabolism.
  • Biochar - creating charcoal and burying it or plowing it into fields.
  • Soil Carbon Sequestration - using no-till agriculture and other practices to increase the amount of carbon stored in soils.
  • Afforestation/Reforestation- planting massive new forests.
  • carbon dioxide definition

    Carbon removal is sometimes referred to as carbon dioxide removal or CDR, and technologies for implementing carbon removal are sometimes called Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs). This could slow, limit, or even reverse climate change - but it is not a substitute for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon dioxide is a chemical element that can be found in the atmosphere. Carbon removal is the process of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and locking it away for decades, centuries, or millennia. The formula CO2 is often used to refer to it.

    Carbon dioxide definition