Any individual with greater than 20 percent ownership in the applying business must co-sign the loan. Compare business loan options and learn how to apply for a small business loan. Fundbox offers fast, easy access to business financing, up to 150000.The small business must be physically located in North Carolina.Applicants must have at least one employee, who could be the owner.Defaulted loans are subject to commercial collection processes.Loan payments are fully amortized over the term of the loan.Loans are available for up to $100,000 for existing businesses (having more than 12 months of documented revenue).Loans are available for up to $50,000 for start-up businesses (having less than 12 months of documented revenue).Loan decisions are typically made within 15 days and loans funded within 30 days.

Thread Capital gives a special emphasis to serving rural, low-income, female, and minority borrowers. We offer small business loan amounts up to $50,000 for startup businesses (defined as less than one year of documented revenue) and up to $100,000 for existing businesses.

We also have access to loans up to $5 million through a network of statewide lending partners. Targeting this range focuses Thread Capital on the biggest gap in the current lending marketplace, where small business owners have the most difficulty finding affordable options. Thread Capital offers small business loans from $500 to $100,000.